
Tuesday, July 21, 2020

June... gone none too soon.

No posts in June…  Well, that is because June sucked.  All month brought things breaking down – some could be repaired while others required high end new purchases (like a stove).  There were injuries and sickness (NOT Covid!).  There was (and is) surging Covid cases in state and county… while people act like it is 2019.  Salud at Whole Foods is permanently closed and is not making good on the points earned by volunteers (thanks so much Bezos – NOT!).  The art gallery I’m part of lost their building, tho thankfully we are still going on with borrowed venues until we have a new gallery home. 

Yeah, I was depressed.

But the worst thing was the sad realization that people I know are going to get sick and maybe die because they are idiots or were around idiots.  People who think it is “just a flu” or a hoax.  That wearing a mask is a violation of their civil liberties.  That social distancing is unconstitutional.

“Friends” who thought it was OK to snark and insult me because I wear a mask.  Guess they weren’t friends after all and sure aren’t any more…  I don’t care what you believe but do not think you are getting on my Facebook page and slamming me.  Seriously!

Enough of that!

In June...

The tomatoes were ripe and so delicious.

I started working on my genealogy again.

The turkey hens came back to hang out in the yard.

I like my new stove!

So June has now passed.  It's time to improve the attitude and get on with life.

Monday, July 20, 2020

... One Giant Leap...

51 years ago today!
I was 7 years old and one week old. My dad and I went out to look up. We could see the moon so it had to be a new moon phase.
You who are old enough, what do you remember?

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Full of "Toro"

We have acquired a used Toro push mower to keep up the areas closest to the house.  I knew we needed to have some oil, as those little engines get so hot.  But I wasn't sure what to get.

So I checked at their web site and it said to use "detergent SAE 10W30".  That's it.  I assumed that meant car oil but I wasn't sure.  So I followed the web site link for info.  

It was a Facebook page.  So I messaged my question from there.  Got a immediate robo reply that they don't answer questions there (!!!) and gave an email address to send to.


On 30 April I emailed this:  
"I was given a Toro model 16775 push mower.  On your spec page it says the oil to use is “detergent SAE 10W30.  Is this the same stuff as goes in the car?"  

On 5 May I recieved this reply:  "Thank you for contacting The Toro Company.  Your machine uses a high detergent SAE 10W-30 Motor Oil, which helps resists rust, oxidation, wear, corrosion and will also fight against the creation of sludge and deposits. If you search for "Detergent SAE 10W30 oil" online, you will find various brands who make this oil. 

Hope this helps! 

Regards,  Toro Consumer Service" 

Seriously??  I contact their customer service.  They repeat what I told them... then tell me to go find my answer in a random internet search.  Then give me a chirpy little "hope this helps".  Hope WHAT helps?  

My reply was "No, this didn’t help.  You repeated what I said and said to look online.  Very lame.  BTW, the question was “Is this the same oil as used in a car?”

Methinks perhaps with 'customer service' like this, when I do purchase new lawn equipment it will NOT be Toro. 

Just saying.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Glass vs Metal Ovenware

Since we're all cooking way more than normal, here's a piece you might find useful.  What type ovenware (cake pans) is better for different methods?  

This came to me via an Extension Homemaker newsletter.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Humor For These Days...

This quilt had me rolling in laughter.

Now we know what she is smiling about!

Reason for the scream?  He has 10 daughters in his home.

It wasn't The Ring that drove Gollum mad...

Art on the most expensive paper known to man.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

2020 Nashville Lawn & Garden Show

It is that time of year... SPRING is coming ~ tomorrow!!  So that means it was also time for the Lawn & Garden show at the beginning of the month.

The Nashville Fairgrounds have made some big changes since last year.  There are 3 big new expo buildings in a different location.  They are very nice... open and airy.  

If you recall, the last few years Himself and I have been working a shift at the bonsai club's display booth.  This year I was co-chair of the event and we sat the booth display for 2 full days.  Uff-da!  It was made easier in that we had a steady stream of club volunteers - 2 or 3 every couple of hours.

Mmmmm... can you imagine relaxing in your back yard next to this?  

A lovely little forest built right inside the building.

This year's display from my favorite group.  They always do something with recycling and easy landscapes.

A pretty display mini garden.

Need to move a whole tree?  This is how to do it!

I love this succulent display!  Everything looks so neat and tidy in matching terra cotta pots.  I think I'll copy this idea!

Great vendors this year.  The bird houses here were so fun.

There were tons of plants to choose from.  This year's 'hot plant' was the Lenten Rose.  I watched a lot of them heading out the door.

All the various plant clubs were back.  Besides our bonsai group there was the orchid club, the iris club, the rose society, the herb group, ... on and on and on.

Took me a while to find them... the floral arrangement display was there too.

And here is what saved the day(s) for me.  A rescue group brought this miniature horse.  "Smarty Jones" and I became best friends for those two days.  Why?  Because I shared my carrot snacks with him!  Whenever I got 'peopled out' I would head over for some equine loving.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Moving Along

As I said at the beginning the year, I'm taking things more slowly and not pushing myself so hard.  My blogging is definitely showing that.

Himself has had a health issue for the last year.  And in January his PC doc decided there might be heart issues too as there were skipped beats.  That led to testing and wearing a holter monitor.  He just recently had his cardiologist appointment that was to be a pre stress test talk.  After much questioning, poking & listening, and an EKG, Himself was told he is fine!!  Apparently many people have skipping beats and never know.  So it is just one of Himself's personal 'weirdnesses'.  I was so relieved I almost cried!

To burn off my personal stress, I've been a cleaning fool.  In the past 6 weeks I have cleaned out the attic, garage, and shed.  They are done ... I only have to maintain now.  That feels really good.  Nothing looks like a spread in Better Homes & Gardens but it never will.  I have granted myself permission to be real.

February and March are 'collecting' months for bonsai (meaning THE time to dig up trees from your yard, etc).  I've pulled out 5 so far and have 3 more to go.  The same time frame is also repotting time.  So we are busy with that too.

I'm sure you heard of the terrible tornadoes that hit Nashville area on 3 March.  We had high wind and some pretty hard rain but were spared from worse.  We are a piece north of there.

We have had a few adventures and outings; you'll be hearing about those soon.

Hope all is going well for you.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Parm Flan (Souffle)

Have you ever tasted something that was like Heaven opened and the angels sang?  That is how I felt about the Parmesan Flan (actually more a souffle) we made in our last cooking class with Chef Dan Maggipinto at Whole Foods.

Just after coming out of the oven.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Great Glasses, Fantastic Prices

Last March (2019) it came to the point that both Himself and I had to get new glasses.  The thought of having to shell out several hundred dollars was not pleasant. 

Then I heard of a place online that was supposed to have really good prices.  Doesn't hurt to look so I checked out Zenni Optical .  The prices were not good; they were amazing.

So I decided to try them out.

This photo was taken almost 9 months after we received them.  We are both completely happy with the purchase.  I had also ordered a second pair with plastic frames for 'computer distance'.  They have stood up to being abused (and Himself can abuse poor ol' glasses).  In fact, we ordered a second set to keep in the car for when we forget to switch glasses from computer to driving.

How much did they cost?

WITH lens and a hard case... Himself's cost $12.95.  Then he had added a special coating because night driving bothers him.  Grand total - $21.90.

Mine cost $6.95 plus a lesser coating for a total of $11.90!

My plastic frame computer glasses (above) cost $6.95 also.


Here's what you need to know...

Get a new prescription.  And (very important to save you from irritation) have the eye doc to note on your 'script your pupillary distance (that is where your pupil lines up with the center of the glasses).  There is a way to figure it on your own~ but you really don't want to do that...

Then get a passport style photo of yourself with your glasses off.  They have a thing where you can upload your picture and 'try on' different glasses.  Makes a huge difference!

From there pick your new glasses and fill out the form.  They arrived in 2 to 3 weeks.

This would be so great for families with young children ... who are usually brutal to glasses.  One could afford to buy several pairs!

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Christmas Every Day

Deane's treatments finished right before Thanksgiving and we decided to make this December a special month for us.  So we did something every day in the spirit of True Christmas... meaning the birth of Jesus... NOT the coming of Santa.

Here's what our December days looked like:

First, we had 4 events in November just because that is how it works out...

As always we did Operation Christmas Child with boxes packed honor our niece and nephew.

I took a watercolor painting class where we made a gift bag with a poinsettia on it.  

We again went to the poinsettia open house and tour.

And the first thing on the Friday after Thanksgiving we headed up the road to get our Christmas tree.  "First thing" because they are usually sold out by the afternoon!

And now December!

1 Dec: We started the season by watching "It's A Wonderful Life".

2 Dec: Played all our favorite carols.

3 Dec: Egg nog and Golden Amish Fruitcake.  Yum!

4 Dec: The wreath went up on the front door.

5 Dec: Noel Night at the museum.  Enjoyed a concert by a local Celtic band "Red River Breeze".

6 Dec: The Christmas story.

7 Dec: Attended a small town (Ashland City) Christmas celebration.  First... the lighting of the city tree.

Second... gifts for their Christmas toy drive.

And the day ended with the parade!

8 Dec: German Christmas service.

9 Dec: Our first Christmas card received.

10 Dec: We finished our Christmas cards!

11 Dec: Gingersnap cookies and homemade hot cocoa.

12 Dec: At the Governor's mansion Christmas Open House.  There was also a charity collection and we gave to a Christian group who keeps children until they are placed into foster care.

13 Dec:  A ride through living nativity.

Then on to a performance of selections from Handel's 'Messiah'.

14 Dec: We went to the ceremony for the Wreaths Across America"

15 Dec: A church cantata.

16 Dec: Watched "A Christmas Carol".  This is our favorite version.

17 Dec. Had a Turkish lunch with a dear friend.

18 Dec: Another living nativity with refreshments afterward.

19 Dec: Baking!

20 Dec: Another lunch with a friend.

21 Dec: Watched "A Charlie Brown Christmas".

22 Dec:  Enjoyed hot apple cider and cinnamon rolls.

23 Dec:  Went for a drive to look at Christmas lights.

24 Dec: Watched "The Nativity Story".

25 Dec: Christmas dinner.  Beef Stroganoff and fresh broccoli.

26 Dec: Himself baked "butter ball" cookies from his Mom's recipe.

27 Dec:  Our 2019 ornament.

28 Dec:  Enjoyed the Christmas cards we received.

29 Dec: Watched a new-to-us movie "The Christmas Candle".

30 Dec: Didn't decorate much and what we did took forever to get done due to "technical difficulties".  We are both happy with how it looked.

31 Dec:  Ended our year together and ready for the New Year.