When Donna at Funky Junk Interiors made “collections” her Saturday Night Special theme, it was hard to decide what one I wanted to highlight. I have many collections but not in your “Pokémon gotta-have-them-all” way. While I actually have a lot of collections, I’m very particular about what I add to them. I don’t have a huge number of any one thing.
I came home from Kenya with quite a collection of Maasai beadwork… all of it gifts. Then there is my Native American pottery. I have my dragons which I am very very particular about how they look. When we travel I look for a cross, a chicken, a cookbook, some currency & coins, a stone or sand, and a book about the area.
But I decided to share my black and white collection with you.
I have it displayed in my entry hallway.
There are paintings and drawings...

… and other things that I liked.
This carving came from Tanzania and is made from ebony.
This signed print is belongs to Himself. It brings back memories of when he did ski training while in Special Forces.
I took this black & white photo in Wisconsin. It was a grand prize winner in a contest a few years ago.
This beautiful painting came from Tanzania. I found it in a stack at the back of a store in the airport. One of the shop clerks painted them on scrap paper with the paint they used to paint advertising on the shop windows. It was the first thing he had ever sold.
A cross stitch gift from a dear friend.
This was a gift to Himself from friends in Bosnia.
This pencil drawing was made by Alex, a young Samoan man who works on the same ship as Himself. Alex’s father is a guild master tattoo artist… a very important position in the Samoan culture. Alex is learning the art and this is one of his original designs. Isn’t it fabulous?!
I picked up this signed print in Palmer, Alaska with I visited a musk ox ranch. They are impressive animals. (I got some incredible photos that day too!)
I don’t go out looking for a black and white to add to my wall, so it’s always a delight when we come across a special piece we want to add.
I wonder what our next piece will be?
All your pieces are gorgeous! Love the look of all black and white together. Very cool.
Wow, what a stunning and unexpected collection. They are beautiful! And looks so sharp in your hallway. I couldn't think of a nicer backdrop for them!
That's a beautiful collection Teri and how striking b&w is together. That is so cool that you won that photo contest with one of them! ~Lili