
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year! Keep on keeping on!

Simplify.  Lose weight.  Get fit.  In with the new, out with the old.  Declutter.  Organize. 
Same old song… except in 2013 I made excellent strides in each.
I am well into the routine of living at a slower pace.  I’ve weeded out the unimportant and I now have (and make) time for what is valuable.  Doing the Lord’s work.  Being with my family.  Spending time with friends.  And I take time for myself every single day. 
I am consistent in drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day (sometimes more – the more overweight you are, the more water you should drink).  I’ve cut my portion size greatly and have been ‘juicing’ to get my veggies and fruits.  I rarely take ‘seconds’.  I’ve done fairly well with using my elliptical machine.  I am 25 pounds lighter today than I was 1 January 2013!
I am bringing fewer ‘things’ into our home and have been donating/giving away/trashing things I don’t have a need or use for anymore. A lot of things have left our home and shed last year.   Himself and I have set a schedule that will finish our decluttering and organizing by the end of March:  In January we will finish our entire house – less my studio and his study, in February we will finish those two rooms, and March will be the month to clear out and organize the shed.
So for 2014 I have only one New Year’s resolution… keep going!!

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