The February Home Kit was to make a place for all instruction manuals. It could be set of hanging files, an accordion file, a folder... even a designated box would do.
I chose a notebook.
I have quite a stash of them in all sizes; including this 4 inch binder. The other reason for a notebook is that it can be carried around easier.
I came up with a list of headings that works for us. Each person's list will be different.
I gathered up the manuals I could find (I'll be adding in for a good while...). Next task was to cut away the portions in languages besides English. The sizes dropped to half, sometimes even a third of the starting bulk!
Then I used my hole punch. Sometimes the manual was big enough to use all three holes. On the smaller one I just punched the top two holes.
It now sits in a designated place with the BIG RULE of "put it back when you're done"!
I did that years ago for manuals and warranties for different household appliances and other things. It's a big red binder with sheet protectors inside and I have categories like Kitchen, Living room, Office...etc...and each manual and warranty goes in it's own sleeve under the proper heading.