
Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Reasons For The Radio Silence...

The first three and a half months of this year have been really, really hard emotionally and financially.  Almost EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.  By mid-February I mentally exhausted and just didn't have the heart to write. 

In January we were dealing with some (extended) family business FUBAR, the HVAC system died of old age and the same day our washer likewise died, Himself's computer started acting up and our 20 ish years as customer managed IT service suddenly became TERRIBLE (found out they were dumping 'home' customers 31 March and didn't give a rip anymore...), my debit card got hacked (card co. noticed immediately so it was not a major thing... except for changing all the CC payments...).

In February I were still fighting with Himself's computer (his MS Office Outlook was dying) and the MS365 we'd switched him to so he could use was a complete train wreck (MS customer service is a JOKE and nearly impossible to access), the TV and DVD player died, the microwave died (with major FedEx non delivery issues... took a month to get it with me barking at them the whole time), by the end of the month I was DONE dealing with Himself's ancient computer issues and ordered a whole new system, switched internet providers (YEH!!) and had to set up new email addresses for both of us (with all of the contact changes that incurred), kerosene heater died, more family business FUBAR and he decided to leave it so MORE paperwork to be done.

March:  Now worthless computer service took THREE WEEKS to get MS 21 onto Himself's computer and transfer old computer stuff to new computer, the mail carrier broke our mailbox - didn't care either, and the drop down ladder to our attic broke.

April:  had the weeklong joy of setting Himself's new computer up, and our waterline sprung a leak which we found out with a water bill 7X higher than it should have been (not cheap to fix but thankful it was right at the meter).

Plus struggles getting appts set for Himself (every one of them requires at LEAST 4 phone calls due to worthless appt service agents), bad product deliveries (like finding the 1st DVD player in the ditch... when the delivery notes said "HANDED to customer"), and minor things breaking all over the place.  You know, water drops torture kind of things.

OK, enough whining and ranting.  I've missed writing since it helps me focus on the good. 

So I'm back.

Edit:  A friend sent this... ain't it the truth?!

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