
Tuesday, March 7, 2023

It's Been...

A long 2 weeks actually.

Got a ton of things finished in late February.  Letting a lot of stuff go, the attic is dejunked.  We demolished our deck in prep for future replacement.  The jerks we bought our house from "fixed" the deck with PINE.  Yep, that didn't last long...  And we've done a lot of culling and reorganizing in the garage.  Not finished as we are waiting on HazMat Day.

 March has been no picnic so far.  I've had a sinus thing going since the first.  Then on the 3rd we were hit by THE wind storm.  Record wind of 79 MPH.  Power went off at 1pm and it was gone for 71 hours.  We lost all of our cold storage food (checking insurance on that) AND I got food poisoning from one of the restaurants we ate at.

 I need a vacation!!

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