
Friday, October 19, 2018

Splat Painting

When the pour painting class was over, I decided to have just a wee bit more fun...

I knew the woman sitting across from me and noticed she had a lot of paint leftover in her catch pan.  It was really pretty so I wondered what it would look like if I dropped a canvas on top of it.

So I did.


Not quite what I was hoping for.

So C and I decided to keep fooling around with it.  I took more paint from the tray and filled in the areas where there was no paint splatted in.

Then C took some leftover paint from her pour container and dripped onto the canvas.  I did a bit more smearing with the palate knife (and my fingers) until I was satisfied.

Here's the finished piece.  One person said it reminded her of Monet's water lilies.

I like that!  😉

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