
Friday, February 10, 2023

Getting My Chain Jerked


What is it with people?? 

 A little bit ago I had three items to get rid of.  They would not fit into my car for me to take where I normally drop off charity items.  So I decided to try Facebook marketplace.  I put really low prices so they would move quickly.

 HUGE mistake!

 Each item got the "is this still available?" button clicked about 50 times but no replies when I answered Yes.

 Each item got at least 5 insane offers.  Say it was worth $40, but I asked only $20.  These donkeys would "offer" $5.  One person even suggested I just give it to him.

 Each item got 3 "I want it".  Pick up times were set... and they never showed.

 ONE person came as he said he would.  I GAVE him one of the other items free (he was thrilled!).  The third item I managed to stuff into the car to give to my usual person.

 I talked to someone else after that and the same thing happened to them.

 Which is why I give things to my decluttering buddy instead!

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