In minimalism, stash vs hoard is hotly debated. To hard core minimalist any sort of ‘extra’ is an abomination. Yeah, whatever. Methinks someone people need to minimalize their rules for other people…
Saturday, December 2, 2023
Stash vs Hoard
Monday, November 20, 2023
Give Thanks, You'll Be Thankful You Did
Thanksgiving... a day set aside to be grateful and to give thanks. A very nice day.
Sunday, October 15, 2023
Make a List and Combine Trips
Global warming, nasty air quality, expensive fuel, traffic jams... All good reasons "to be the change" and combine trips when you go out.
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
A Tea for Three
Twelve years ago today we had a 'high tea' in Scotland. We were discussing the tea culture in the UK with our friend Dave.
Dave pouring his tea.
Our entrees.
And our simple selection of scones and treats.
Thursday, October 5, 2023
Money From Mark
I'm sure you've heard about the class action law suit against Facebook over personal info being sold to a political 'machine'.
Monday, October 2, 2023
Practical Minimalism
I’ve been thinking about “practical minimalism” as a lifestyle…
Saturday, September 30, 2023
A Midnight Toad
Have you ever seen a black toad? Neither had we until we came across this dude living in my herb bed. Goggle says that "black toads" live only in a small area of California. Another entry said that Eastern Spadefoot toads can be "almost black". But nothing else seems to match.
Seems we have a bit of a warty mystery out here in The Sticks.
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Bad, Bad Weather
This is a section on the NOAA weather web site. It shows all the severe hail, wind, and tornados so far this year. Oh my goodness!!! The site also breaks it down monthly.
Monday, September 25, 2023
Cherry Gunk (recipe)
Here is a favorite dating back to my Senior year of high school (that would be 1979-1980). My best friend Paul would show up carrying a bag from Krogers with the main ingredients of this cake... asking "would you make some of that cherry gunk?"
Cherry Gunk
1 box yellow cake mix
1/4 cup oil
2 eggs
1/2 cup water
2 cups cherry pie filling
1 cup crushed pineapple
Pre-heat oven to 350*.
Bake for 40-50 minutes, until toothpick inserted in center
comes out clean.
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Minimalizing With A Capsule Wardrobe
Because of Covid and Himself's immune issues I have not been clothes shopping for years. I did have clothes in smaller sizes that I moved down thru. But it is time... I've decided I want to do a capsule wardrobe with just the colors I love in my color palette and have only clothes that fit perfectly.
Here is the basic format of building a capsule wardrobe... I already blew off Rule 1. I do not like navy and black is too harsh with my complexion. My choice- charcoal grey.
Now the fun part! Picking my accent colors. In the past I did the "Color Me Beautiful" class. I am a "Summer". So from that pallet I picked sky blue & periwinkle, aqua, rose, and lilac-orchid-plum to be mine. They work well with each other.
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Project Minimalization
I've decided I need to set myself a personal ultimatum
for minimalizing "things".
Basically I realize I've started slacking. UGH! This
is not good! I must take control for my
own peace.
Friday, September 15, 2023
A Simple Bound Journal
Because of our Covid ‘seclusion’, the last class I was able to take was a cooking class at Whole Foods (which no longer exists). That was February 2020.
First one was a bound suede
leather journal. Pretty, soft, and
flexible. And the last time I’ll ever
use suede again! In binding the cover to
the pages it was almost impossible to see the punched holes in the fuzzy suede
texture. UGH!
The binding threads made a nice pattern. In the future I’ll add beads to make it nicer.
The pages are made with mixed media paper so it can be used for about anything. Five sheets of paper were folded in half, which makes 10 pages per signature (book sections).
Sunday, September 10, 2023
Beer Bread
Himself found a bottle of beer pushed way behind other things on the shelf. It had been there a long time. Hmmm... When life gives you stale beer, there is only one thing you can do with it.
Bisquick Beer Bread
1/4 cup butter, softened
3 cups Original Bisquick mix
1/3 cup sugar
1 bottle or can (12 oz) light beer (dark works fine, just
more ‘beery’)
1. Heat oven to
375°F. Grease bottom only of 9x5-inch loaf pan with 1 to 2 tablespoons of the
2. In large bowl,
stir together Bisquick mix, sugar and beer with whisk until well blended. Pour
into pan.
3. Bake 45 to 55
minutes or until golden brown.
4. In small
microwavable bowl, microwave remaining 2 to 3 tablespoons butter on High until
melted; brush over warm loaf. Cool 15 minutes before slicing.
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
Give a Compliment to the Boss
The world is becoming a mean place.
Each month I will start a new habit/action that will have
a positive change. I'm going to share so
perhaps you will join me...
September's action is to recognize workers who are doing
a fantastic job. First, they will get a
warm 'thank you'. Second, I will make
sure to tell their boss; either in person or with a phone call when I get home.
Thursday, August 31, 2023
Medicare warning #2
When you start Medicare, they encourage you to make a
"Intro to Medicare" appt with your new Medicare health provider. Also an annual "Wellness
Check". All either of these appts
are is TALKING to you. Medicare will pay
for that.
And if you get labs - which your new provider will tell
you they need - Medicare pays ZERO. You
will be looking at a $400 ish bill that you have to pay.
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Apple of My Eye
It is coming up season for fresh apples!
Friday, August 25, 2023
Bye Bye Bonsai Belongings
An ongoing part of my refining my focus on everything was to decide where I wanted to go with my bonsai. While I really like many things in the bonsai world, to actually DO them just does not work for me. Stress vs fun.
I ended up with enough to cover two 8 foot tables.
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
One of the good things about living out in the country is the sense of community. Recently a family lost their home to fire.
The area came together last Sunday and had a BBQ pork
dinner fund raiser.
J&R's is the local "watering hole". Definitely not posh but it was well attended.
Himself coming out with his "plate". That smile tells it all!
The servings were amazing. There was enough for several meals.
Sunday, August 20, 2023
Nightly Light Show
The lightning bugs (or fire flies) have been amazing this year. The yard is absolutely full of them each night. 99% are the regular yellow-green lights but the other evening Himself saw a bright orange one!
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
Studio- a place for everything
I have been cutting way back on my stash of ‘creative’ supplies. I ask myself “what is the point”? If I don’t have a place/method to display or use it… there is no point. I’ve rehomed a LOT.
This is all my paper supplies now. I make books & journals. I do mixed media art that I put those journals.
This hutch holds all my
tools, painting supplies, and some odds and ends on top
And this wall my jewelry making bits, upcoming projects, and more odds & ends for creating.
Everything is labeled and easy to get to. Pretty soon the creating will begin!
Friday, August 11, 2023
Thursday, August 10, 2023
Books Are Not Sacred
I’m a member of a Marie Kondo method Facebook decluttering group. The area that gets to largest wails of “I can’t get rid of ANY”, “they are my precious friends”, “I’ve never thrown away a XXX”, and so is the book section.
Doesn’t look bad… especially when you consider I used have THREE of these units… filled.
It took me a full day to
get it to this. (Still a mess as I now
have to organize and pretty up the space.)
I smile every time I walk past!
Saturday, August 5, 2023
My Studio - The Starting Point
I've finally gotten everything OUT of my studio that doesn't belong to me. Sheesh, didn't think it would take that long. Sad thing is that it pretty much looks the same!
Oh well. I jumped straight into dealing with all those irritating tubs I gritched about earlier. Things are either getting put away properly or they're gone. It is going well albeit slow.
As I finish each section, I will share what I've done. Keeps me accountable!
Sunday, July 30, 2023
The Yum Factor
Himself just whipped a loaf of banana bread using a couple bananas that ripened waaaaay too fast.
It is nice being married to a baker!
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Fresh Tomatoes
One of life’s great pleasures is munching a warm off-of-the-vine tomato. And I am the worst at growing tomatoes!
It’s working!
This just makes me
Wonderful treats.
Thursday, July 20, 2023
Monday, July 17, 2023
When Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
Saturday, July 15, 2023
Thursday, July 13, 2023
Monday, July 10, 2023
I Think I'm Becoming a Minimalist
I am finding myself becoming really annoyed with the amount of things I (personally) have stashed in tubs. Certain “stash” is good… building supplies, light bulbs, and so on. But tubs of unknown trinkets, odds & ends, impulse buys, and no longer used décor has become - in my mind - stupid to have.
There is definitely levels of minimalism. It doesn’t just mean Spartan, tho if you Google minimalist images about all you get are photos of white rooms with a tiny bit of white furniture. Ummm… No. Basically each person has to work out what it means to them. It is usually a continuously evolving process; that is definitely true for me.
So I am at it again.
My two biggest stash
areas are my studio and the garage. Over
this summer’s hot and miserable days I intend to cull thru until I have ZERO anonymous
tubs of ‘stuff’. And my creative stash
will take a huge hit as I am working hard on learning to focus. Too many squirrels!
Sunday, July 9, 2023
FedUp with FedEx
I am DONE with receiving… or NOT receiving.... deliveries
via FedEx.
Apparently I live in my mailbox…
I do not have a deck with wrought iron chairs. I don’t have a deck at all. (Next day a sweet young man knocked on my door with my package that had been delivered to his house… which isn’t even on my road!)
Seems my “front door” is still my mailbox. At least the blasted jerk got it to my address!