
Saturday, July 8, 2023



We’ve just discovered a Passion Flower is rowing in our LAWN.  Silly thing is a vine, it should be going up a tree!  There are some up the hill along the fence row.  I've tried to get to the fruit but the deer always beat me to them.  This year I am going to put a small cage around a couple to protect them so I have a chance at a share.


The flower is amazing.  It is so delicate.  I'm going to protect this one in the yard for transplanting when it cools.  Supposedly they make a nice container plant.  It would make an amazing addition to my potted plant bed. 

The name comes from references to the last days of Jesus...

The pointed tips of the leaves were taken to represent the Holy Lance.

The tendrils represent the whips used in the flagellation of Christ.

 The flower's radial filaments, which can number more than a hundred and vary from flower to flower, represent the crown of thorns. 

The chalice-shaped ovary with its receptacle represents the Holy Grail. 

The three stigmas represent three nails and the five anthers below them five hammers or five wounds (four by the nails and one by the lance). 

The blue and white colors of many species' flowers represent Heaven and Purity. 

In addition, the flower is open for three days, symbolizing the three years of Jesus' ministry.



  1. I didn't know most of this. Thanks for sharing.

  2. The flower is so amazing. I hope they come to fruit!


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